Paris: A Haven for African-American Creativity

The allure of Paris has captivated many, but for African-American creatives during the 20th century, it was more than just a city of romance and beauty. It was a sanctuary of freedom and opportunity, a place where they could express themselves without the constraints of racial prejudice prevalent in the United States. In this blog post, we explore the lives of five notable African-American figures – James Baldwin, Josephine Baker, Richard Wright, Langston Hughes, and Beauford Delaney – and discover how the City of Light became integral to their artistic journeys and successes.

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Me Time for Moms: Momcation Ideas for Every Budget and Schedule!

Mom, are you tired, feeling like you’ve been running all day and all night? If the answer is yes, it sounds like it’s time for a momcation!

Never heard of a momcation? Well, it’s exactly what it sounds like; a vacation designed to pamper moms and give them some much-needed rest and relaxation.

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