Why Every Traveler Should Consider a Travel Credit Card

When it comes to planning your adventures, whether a quick getaway or a comprehensive world tour, having a travel credit card in your wallet is more than just a convenience—it’s a gateway to a host of benefits that can enhance your travel experience. Here’s why you should consider getting one before your next trip.

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Creating a Successful Travel Budget

Chances are, you already have a destination in mind for your next vacation. Statistically, chances are even greater that you have not created a budget for the trip. Most American travelers will only create an estimated amount for the total trip cost after they decide on the destination, but very few create a realistic budget … even fewer stick to it! According to the Detroit Free Press, 68% of Americans overspend on their vacations! Why? Because they fail to create a realistic budget and plan ahead for travel expenses. As your travel advisor, I want to help set you up for success!

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Tips to Help You Meet Your Travel Goals in 2020

2020 is almost upon us and now seems as good a time as any to set goals for the new year. Traveling to a bucket list destination is a goal that often ends up on many New Year’s resolution lists. Sometimes these goals can seem unattainable or too far out of reach. But with a little planning and maybe a slight shift in mindset, you can turn these goals into a concrete reality.

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